Thursday, March 12, 2009

Amazing Shoes

I spend a lot of time hanging around town observing shit. For instance, I've observed that 70% of retail employees on Haight Street are fucking retarded, hip, automatons who have no fucking idea how ridiculous they look and act. 

This fucking idiot works at American Apparel, a store responsible for only hiring dumbass conformists. This guy saw me taking his picture so I said, "Those shoes are amazing." He bought it, then actually struck a pose! That's right, this idiot is acting hip right before your eyes.

I don't know if I need to say anything about this guy. It's quite obvious he is trying as hard as he can to get laid with the limited Dog given talents he has. These talents include cutting his own hair, poor posture, and taking four cigarette breaks an hour from his shitty "vintage" shop. It's true, chicks are attracted to guys with bad hair, no muscle, bad breath, and no money. You're winning.

Oh man! Magnethead is getting so much bloggage for the birth of his son, Ryder. Yeah, it's true the kid is pretty good looking and can already piss three feet behind his head while his diaper is being changed but you won't see any pictures of him here. What you will see are pictures of his two dads bonding with their Pregnant WoMan Simulator. Amazing shoes to fill, Ryder.

Here's Magnethead impressing his husband.

"Oh my god, he's so cute! He looks just like you!" Nice mustache, douche. 

Rolling heavy with a 5-0

Buttshot! Whoops...

Ouch. That looked like it hurt. 

Yeah, run up the ramp really quick so no one knows you're in pain. That works.

Breathe, old man. Congratulations.

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